Ear skin problems: Home remedies for Ear Wax Build up

Earwax build-up is a frequent skin condition in the ear, but it's nothing to worry about since it's harmless. Inside our ears, oil glands make a protective coating called cerumen. This coating catches dirt, dead skin cells, and even stray hairs that find their way into the ear canal, leading to the build-up of earwax. Interestingly, the texture and amount of earwax vary from person to person. Some people have wet earwax, while others have dry earwax.


Depending on the amount and moisture level of the wax, it can lead to various issues like ear pain, itching, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness, reduced hearing, or even complete hearing loss in the affected ear.

Earwax build-up can affect anyone, but it's more common in frequent earbud users, older individuals, or those with hearing aids. In children, earwax tends to be softer and becomes drier as we age.

While earwax build-up isn't usually serious and often resolves on its own without notice, it can be bothersome if it causes symptoms. If you experience any of the mentioned issues, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional to confirm the presence of earwax build-up.

To borrow wisdom from the 16th-century Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus, "prevention is better than cure," especially when it comes to healthcare expenses. Taking preventive measures at home can help avoid the problems associated with earwax build-up.


Sorry, the answer is, you cannot prevent your ear from producing wax. It is a natural process. And I never promised to tell you how to stop it, no I didn’t and do not even try twisting my words or those of the Dutch philosopher!

Ok, if you insist, go back and read the last paragraph.

You see…it says, “There are things you can do at home to prevent the problems associated with build-up of wax.”

Alright, lets stop arguing and go back to the important stuff (or not).



1)     Do you use cotton ear buds? You do, right? I knew it. Stop doing that. In fact, there is only one thing you are allowed to insert into your ear canal, your Elbow. Give it a go.

Pushing any foreign body into your ear canal can make things worse, as you will push some earwax deeper inside. It may also cause an ear infection. So, let the ear clean itself.


2)     Moisturise. You know I am obsessed with this if you have seen any of my other blogs. Your ears have got skin covering them and when I preach skin care, that includes your ears. Dry skin around your ear increases the chances of dead skin flakes being caught in the cerumen thereby leading to dry ear wax. These are particularly problematic. Keeping your skin moisturised, reduces the build-up.


3)     This last one may sound odd but, in my experience, they are the most effective tip unless you are allergic; Get into the habit of using Olive or Almond oil in your ears. The same one in your kitchen cabinets. Put 2 to 3 drops of the oil in your ear every 2-3 weeks. Keep your head tilted to one side for a few minutes to let the oil work its way through your ear canal(s). Practicing this regularly helps keep the wax soft thereby preventing a build up of hard plugs which are likely to cause the symptoms mentioned earlier.




If you develop any of the symptoms mentioned earlier and a health professional has confirmed you have earwax buildup, there are things you can do to treat it at home.


1)  See point number 3 above on prevention. Use Olive or Almond Oil if you are not allergic. The difference is in the frequency of use. Apply 3 drops of any one of these oils into the ear canal (saturate your ear canal with it). Lay your head on one side for at least 5 minutes to let the oil work its way through your ear canal(s). Repeat this practice at least 3 times a day if you can, over 2 weeks minimum. Lumps of earwax should fall out of your ear, especially at night when you are lying down. It helps to always place an extra sheet on your pillow during this treatment to prevent staining your pillow. If the symptoms continue after trying this, go back to your healthcare provider for a check.


2)    Take a walk to your local pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist about earwax build-up. They can recommend other ear drops to dissolve the earwax (sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, docusate sodium or urea hydrogen peroxide). The earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week or two. The reason this is an option 2 is because, with prolonged use, these drops could cause dryness or irritation of the ear canal.


3)     There are options for self-irrigation using a bulb syringe. Speak to your pharmacist about this. The problem with self-irrigation is the risk of ear drum perforation and unless you know what you are doing, I would probably avoid it. This is also my advice regarding the use of ear candles or ear vacuums.


4)     If you have tried all the tips listed and had no luck, this would be the time to go back to your doctor. There are other options in terms of medical treatment, but these can only be done by people appropriately trained to do so. You do not want to mess around with one of the most important sense organs.



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