

Title: A Tale of Love, Regret, and Redemption: Lessons from a Marriage Journey Introduction: In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to overlook the small details that truly matter in a relationship. This poignant story serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing and nurturing the bond between partners, regardless of marital status. Join us on a journey of reflection and revelation as we unravel the complexities of love, regret, and redemption. The Heart-Wrenching Confession: The narrative begins with a husband's confession to his wife, delivered over a seemingly ordinary dinner. What unfolds is a cascade of emotions as he reveals his desire for a divorce, citing his newfound affection for another woman. The hurt in his wife's eyes speaks volumes, yet she responds with a quiet dignity that belies her inner turmoil. The Divorce Ultimatum: As the husband grapples with his decision, his wife presents her divorce conditions, including a poignant request for one l


  Title: Embracing Natural Hair: My Journey to Healthier Locks Introduction: Join me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as I navigate the world of hair care, transitioning from chemically-treated locks to embracing the beauty of my natural afro hair. As I share my experiences, you'll learn about the challenges and triumphs of transitioning to a healthier hair care routine. The Turning Point: For many adults with afro hair, myself included, chemical relaxers were once a staple in our beauty regimen. However, a desire for healthier hair led me to make a bold decision – to bid farewell to chemically-treated hair and embrace my natural curls. Thus began my journey to reclaiming my roots and embracing the beauty of 4C hair. Embracing the Shrinkage: One of the greatest challenges of natural afro hair, particularly 4C hair, is its tendency to shrink significantly when exposed to moisture. Determined to embrace my natural hair texture, I sought out heat-free straightening op


How To make Scented Shea Butter Cream Moisturiser Finally, today I will be writing about how to make your own body cream moisturiser with pure unrefined natural ingredients. This is probably one of the major projects I have embarked on so far in my natural skin and hair care journey. I will try to make this as short and precise as possible. If you care a lot about your health in and out, you will agree with me that one of the biggest challenges is finding natural products that are not only healthy but can also help achieve that flawless skin we all hunger for. So far I have shared my favourite DIY skincare products that I have come to completely trust but I have frequently gotten questions from some of my readers about how to get an all-natural body moisturiser that will serve the purpose of keeping the skin healthy as well as giving it the glow and right tone. So...finally here it is. INGREDIENTS: 4 oz (8 tablespoons) of raw unrefined shea butter 2 tablespoons of raw virgin coconu


                           The Power of Kitchen Remedies: My Journey to Natural Skincare Let's rewind to a time when my skincare routine hit a major snag. After bidding farewell to a beloved body cream due to a troubling ingredient revelation, my skin rebelled like never before. Cue the dramatic entrance of what I can only describe as a volcanic breakout—pimples, uneven tones, the whole shebang. It was like my skin was staging a protest, demanding a detox ASAP. And so, my journey into the realm of natural skincare began, spurred by a personal diary -turned quest for skin salvation. Armed with an arsenal of kitchen staples, I embarked on a DIY skincare adventure, experimenting with various natural ingredients. Among my discoveries was a game-changing remedy: the quick pimple treatment featuring coffee, honey, and turmeric powder . With these pantry staples at my fingertips, I was ready to tackle skincare woes without stepping foot in a store. Now, let's break down the

How to make your own apple cider vinegar

This article is on how to make your own high-quality Apple Cider Vinegar at home. If you are not sure about why you should bother about apple cider vinegar, please read my other articles about the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar on skin. I knew a lot of people do make their own Vinegar at home, but I actually never gave it a thought until a few friends requested that I write about it. It was exciting to know that I can make ACV with apple scraps. My toddler princess loves eating apples a lot but not with the peel, besides, she always ends up making a mess of it on the floor. I usually would clean up the scraps which have been going into the trashcan but thanks to this new discovery, I can now produce my favourite face toner and salad dressing at the highest quality and lowest cost imaginable . Organic Apple Cider Vinegar has so many benefits and some people are anxious to try it, but it's not always possible to buy it locally. If you live in an area or country where org

Benefits of apple cider vinegar on skin

Rather than buy those unhealthy and ineffective chemical-based skin toning and lightening creams, why not allow mother nature to work her magic on your skin?      RAW ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar on your skin The truth is, cosmetic companies are having us run to the beauty counters for the next miracle in a jar. I am not saying there are no amazing cosmetic products out there with effective natural ingredients. The reality is, most of the time we pile up our cosmetic shelves with products that we do not use after they have disappointed us. This leaves us frustrated, making us spend even more money and time searching for the next product which again ends up making empty promises. You will agree with me that this could be frustrating and sometimes annoying.  So instead of chasing the empty promise in a jar, racing to different beauty stores and loading up on ineffective products that leave you feeling let down by the money you wasted on yet another “skin li

Get rid of Body Odour Naturally/ The Power of Baking Soda: A Homemade Deodorant Solution

The next Do It Yourself (DIY) Home remedy I will be sharing with you today is the Baking Soda. Ever wondered if that trusty kitchen ingredient, baking soda, could do more than just make your bread rise? Join me on a journey as we explore the surprising benefits of baking soda for combating body odour and achieving healthier skin. Unveiling Baking Soda's Potential: As a scientist initially wary of its chemical name, I delved into the world of baking soda and uncovered its remarkable properties. Beyond its role in baking, baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, boasts versatile applications, including as a skin-friendly deodorant. Understanding Baking Soda Chemistry: For the curious minds, let's dive into a bit of chemistry. Baking soda, an amphoteric substance, interacts with both acids and bases, making it ideal for neutralizing odours. Its slightly alkaline nature offers a gentle cleansing action, but maintaining the skin's acidic pH is crucial for optimal health. Maintaini